
The GoVertical Podcast is brought to you by friends Nick & Warren. We both own businesses related to the roofing industry and wanted to share about life, business, and sometimes roofing. This feels like a living room chat where two buddies hang out and discuss tidbits of advice, wisdom (or so we hope), and stories from our journey so far. This show is for anyone who is motivated to grow and who is ready to GoVertical in life or business.

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Tuesday Aug 23, 2022

We are joined this week by Lavern Zook. He is an avid runner and is training for his first full marathon. He shares about some of the lessons he learned from training to run and how that has translated into his business ventures. Lavern also shares some stories from when he and his brother were just getting started in business, the lessons that were learned, and how having integrity and focusing on taking care of the customer goes a long way; even when you make mistakes. There is a gold mine of wisdom in this weeks episode.
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Lavern: Facebook
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

We're excited to be joined by Jonathan Kauffman in this episode. He shares stories about his business journey, how he learned to love construction, some of the growing pains he experienced, and how he almost gave up on his business. He also gives us some insights into how to structure a business to have happy, engaged, and productive employees. Jonathan provides some great insights into what it takes to build a big business and also how to have fun and let go of some of the stress while your are doing it.
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
 Jonathan Kauffman: Facebook
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022

We just had to have Chris Kauffman back on as there was so much more about his story we had to hear about. In this episode, he shares about the abuse, bullying, and trauma he went through as a child growing up Amish. These experiences had an impact on his life for years even after they left the Amish community. Chris then shares how he recognized the impact the past traumas were having on his life and the process it took to overcome them and finally be able to see value in himself. This is an incredibly powerful story of redemption, forgiveness, and overcoming the past and discovering the ability to believe in yourself. It's a little longer than usual but is worth every second of listening.
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Chris Kauffman:  Facebook or
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022

We're thrilled to be able to have Elias Raber join us for our tenth episode. He shares some of his journey in business and offers insights into what it takes to be be successful. The theme of this episode kept coming back to the fact that it is not about you. In order to be successful, you need to be thinking about the needs or your customers, your team, and those around you above your own wants. It's a big challenge, but Elias presents it in an incredibly encouraging and uplifting way. Get ready to have your socks knocked off by this one!
Thanks to this episode's sponsor - NSJ Digital. Find out more at
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Elias Raber: Facebook, Instagram (@eliasraber), or
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022

In this episode, Warren jumps into the hotseat and plays double duty as co-host and guest. We get into a conversation about making decisions in business and life. From how to make the right decision, to what to do if you make the wrong decision, to how to handle failure; we talk about it all. It was a great conversation and you will definitely find some inspiration and encouragement. 
Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Roofer Help. Learn more at
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022

We had a fantastic conversation this week with Carson Feiner. Not only does Carson run 4 successful businesses but he has also been a single father with 3 kids. We talk about how he manages to balance business and family and make sure he has the time to focus on the important things in life. Hint: it come down to having the right people on your team. We also have the first ever GoVertical lightning round and Carson knocked it out of the park. This one was a lot of fun for us, so we hope you enjoy it too!
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Carson: Facebook or 
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022

We were joined by Andrew Moore of Acres to Profit. This episode is a little different as Andrew is involved in farming, but we had a great conversation about life, business and just getting started. Andrew is a young man with a lot of wisdom, maturity, and passion; and what he has to say was really inspiring. Regardless of what you do in life, you will certainly be encouraged and motivated by this episode. We hope this helps you to GoVertical this week! 
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
 Andrew Moore: Facebook or @acrestoprofit on Instagram or Tiktok
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022

As this episode comes out right after the 4th of July, Nick and Warren have a discussion about America. We talk about the freedoms we have and the opportunities that we enjoy by living in this country. This was a great time of conversation and reflection about what America means to us and why we are thankful to be able to live here. Also, there's a giveaway in this episode so be sure to listen for details on that (entry period is July 5-12 only).
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022

This week we are joined by Luke Yutzy of Blue Ridge Commercial Roofing. Luke has run two successful roofing companies, one in a partnership with his brother and one on his own. He shares some insights with us on when to choose the way of partnership and when to consider going it alone. He also offers some nuggets of wisdom to consider before entering into a partnership to make sure it's as successful as possible. There is great wisdom in this episode that applies to all aspects of life, not just business. We hope you listen and enjoy!
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
 Luke Yutzy: Facebook or
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022

Warren and Nick have a great conversation with Chris Kauffman about finding confidence, believing in yourself, and learning to take risks. Chris shares from his experiences in business and how he overcame his own self-doubt and lack of confidence. He is now the successful owner of multiple business including Kauffman Interiors and Exteriors, KIE Coatings, and KIE Properties, but it didn't start out easy and he's learned a lot along the way. This was an awesome conversation and you won't want to miss it.
Also, if your wondering what Donald Trump Jr. and ice cream have in common, make sure to stick around for that hilarious story.
Want to get in touch? Here's how to reach out:
Chris Kauffman:  Facebook or
Warren: Facebook
Nick: Facebook or
**Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay**


About Warren

Warren is the owner of Seamless Roofs and The Roofer Help. He grew up working on roofs and has owned his roofing business since 2014. He has also travelled across the country helping other roofing contractors and entrepreneurs to get their own business journey started. He loves helping other people grow and realize his dreams. When he's not working on a roof you can find him working around the house or in the garden with his wife, Lorna. Or he might be out on the boat wakeboarding or fishing.


About Nick

Nick is the owner of NSJ Digital and helps commercial roofing companies grow their businesses online. He started his business in 2019 has worked with clients in multiple states. He has spoken at contractor events and attended roof trainings and a national convention. He loves building relationships with business owners and helping them set goals and develop a vision for the future. He is a self-proclaimed nerd with an eclectic taste in things to geek out about. From coffee to sci-fi movies to video games to Football... and more. When he's not working in the nerd cave you can find him going on walks with his wife, Sarah, daughter, Kacey, and dog, Addie; or playing in the backyard or getting a "makeover" from his daughter. 

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